
.NET framework 2.0的核心技术相关词汇(含详解)



CLR:Common Language Runntime 通用语言运行时/库:CLR抽象操作系统服务,并用作托管应用程序(managed application)(其每一个动作都须经过CLR批准的执行引擎).
Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the name chosen by Microsoft for the virtual machine component of their .NET initiative. It is Microsoft's implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard, which defines an execution environment for program code. The CLR runs a form of bytecode called the Common Intermediate Language.
The CLR runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems. See CLI for a full list of implementations of that specification. Some implementations run on non-Windows operating systems.

FCL:Framework Class Library 框架类库:它提供托管应用程序将写入面向对象的API.编写.NET框架应用程序时,不必考虑Windows API,MFC,ATL,COM或者其他工具和技术,只需要使用FCL.当然,也可以调用Windows API或COM对象,但是您可能不希望这么做,因为这样必须将托管代码(managed code)(CLR运行的代码)转换为非托管代码(unmanaged code)(不需要CLR帮助的本机代码).这种转换会降低系统性能,甚至可能被管理员否决.FCL位于%SystemRoot% Microsoft.NET\framework\v1.0.nnnn目录下的一系列DLL中.每个DLL都是能够根据要求由CLR加载的程序集.核心数据,例如Int32,在Mscorlib.dll中实现;其他类型分布在FCL的DLL当中.每个类型的文档列出了定义它的程序集.

CIL:Common Intermediate Language 通用中间语言:CIL为处理器定义了本机指令集,所以CIL经常被成为伪汇编语言.但在这里,处理器不是一块芯片而是CLR.CIL使用基于堆栈的执行模型.闲6处理器将数值加载寄存器之后对它们进行操作,而CLR将数值加载计算到堆栈中进行操作.

JIT:Just-In-Time 实时

CLS:Common Language Specification 通用语言描述/规范

ATL:Active Template Library.It is a set of template-based C++ classes that let you create small, fast Component Object Model (COM) objects. It has special support for key COM features, including stock implementations, dual interfaces, standard COM enumerator interfaces, connection points, tear-off interfaces, and ActiveX controls.ATL is designed to simplify the process of creating efficient, flexible, lightweight controls. This tutorial leads you through the creation of an ActiveX control, demonstrating many ATL and COM fundamentals.

SOAP:Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议:描述应用程序如何使用HTTP或其他协议进行互操作--即彼此调用对方的方法.它是行业标准而非Microsoft标准,早已在Internet上盛行.

XML/Web Service:XML是一种描述数据和数据结构的语言.XML Web services are the fundamental building block in the move to distributed computing on the Internet.Open standards and the focus on communication and collaboration among people and applications have created an environment where XML Web services are becoming the platform for application integration. Applications are constructed using multiple XML Web services from various sources that work together regardless of where they reside or how they were implemented.XML Web services are built on XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI specifications. These constitute a set of baseline specifications that provide the foundation for application integration and aggregation. From these baseline specifications, companies are building real solutions and getting real value from them.


managed code/unmanaged code:托管代码/非托管代码:CLR运行的代码/不需要CLR帮助的本机代码。

managed module:托管模块:托管模块的扩展名通常为EXE,DLL或NETMODULE.托管模块包括CIL和元数据.

PE(Portable Executable):Microsoft设计的一种新的文件格式Portable Executable File Format(可移植的执行体),即PE格式.

assembly: 程序集:它是构成一个逻辑单元的一个或多个文件的集合.在这里的"文件"通常是托管模块,但程序集也能包含其他的文件.大部分程序集只包括一个文件,但是程序集能够而且有时确实包括多个文件.组成多文件程序集的所有文件必须位于相同的目录下.当使用C#编译器生成简单的EXE文件时,这个EXE文件不仅仅是托管模块,它同时也是程序集.

port COM+ Components to .NET Enterprise Services:把COM+组件の代码转化为.NET框架服务下托管の代码

C++/CLI :C++/CLI 是一种被设计来取代C++托管扩展的新的语言规范,也被一些人称为C++托管扩展第二版。在完全重新设计以简化旧的托管C++语法之后,它比托管C++具有了更多的代码可读性和明确性。目前它只被Visual Studio 2005中的Visual C++ 2005支持,最明显的改进之一是增加了标识符的明确性。C++/CLI也引入了新的语法元素,例如泛型和其他语言中已经存在的for each语句。由于开发进度落后于时间表的关系,Visual Studio 2005的第一个版本并不会完全实现C++/CLI语言规范,例如托管和非托管混合类型在Visual Studio 2005的第一个版本中不会被支持。

port COM+ Components to .NET Enterprise Services:把COM+组件的代码转化为.NET框架服务下托管的代码
